Angelica Allen is an Iranian-American writer from California.

She studied English Literature and Politics at UC Berkeley, the University of Cambridge, and the University of Oxford.

Her work sits at the intersection of public service and the arts. A freelance writer, educator, and consultant, she has researched gender-based violence in conflict; taught at an all-girls high school, UC Berkeley, and San Quentin State Prison; and served as an Obama White House political appointee.

Her writing explores storytelling through language, gender, trauma, human rights, immigration, memory, identity, and home. Angelica’s novel-in-progress, Matriarch, was shortlisted for The London Library’s Emerging Writers Programme, longlisted for the CRAFT Memoir Excerpt & Essay Contest, and a finalist for the de Groot Foundation LANDO grant.

Author Photo By Arnaud Lecamus

Photo by Arnaud Lecamus